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Both research and anecdotal evidence from families have shown there are many ways that babies and families may benefit from infant massage. According to the Infant Massage Information Service, massage benefits a child's physical, emotional, social and cognitive development, which all sounds amazing to any parent! Now's your chance to become a certified 'infant massage therapist'. The information service is offering an international home study course. It costs $1125 - $2010 AUD depending on the type of enrolment you select and there are no minimum or maximum age restrictions for students. Here are the details - the training process is easy!

To become certified, one must:

  • Complete 24 course-work hours from home
  • Successfully complete 3 competency tasks

Once you're a certified instructor, you get to teach parents how to massage their babies for confident bonding, attachment, communication, health, well being and happiness!

The home study intake commences next month. For more information and to register, visit