top ongoing support

IMIS provides online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) sessions for those who want to add to their knowledge of infant massage.

All CPD sessions are online and take only 1 hour to complete. They are a quick and convenient way for you to earn CPD/CPE/CPU points. 

Upon successful completion you will receive a certificate which can be used as part of your resume, and can be provided to your industry association for points accrued.

To enrol in a session, click here

Alternatively, you can complete the CPD enrolment form and send it back to IMIS via email, fax or post.

Fax: 02 9680 8556
Post: PO Box 8198 Baulkham Hills BC NSW 2153

CPD sessions

IMIS CPD sessions are focused on infant massage and how it can be used with:

Cerebral palsy
Down syndrome
Business practices
Your business plan
Understanding preterm babies
Variations in infant health
Early post birth touch
Infant feeding and common digestive complaints
Maternal mental health

To enrol in a session, click here

To find out more about each session, you can visit the IMIS CPD site