top certified qualifications

Baby massage can provide so many wonderful benefits, not only to infants, but to the family unit. 

Infant massage has the power to do everything from help improve a baby's slumber to boost learning well into adolescence.

Touch has been called the “mother of all senses.” And for good reason: It’s the first sense to develop while babies are still in the womb. The skin is the body’s largest organ. With a qualification in baby massage, you can teach parents how to communicate with their baby through touch every day.

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As a former midwife I understand the powerful difference this can make to a child's life and the powerful effect it can have on families. This training went over and above my expectations; it was so thorough. The trainer was very approachable, positive & encouraging. She was a fabulous teacher.
I am excited about starting my own business as a Certified Infant Massage Instructor. I was inspired in realizing the the difference Infant Massage can make in the lives of babies, children and families and am encouraged that I can be a part of that. Thanks IMIS :)

Learn to teach Infant Massage

  • Choose the method of study that suits you best: Home study or face-to-face training
  • 2025 classes and intake periods are near capacity enrol now
  • Ongoing support following training
  • Enjoy flexible and rewarding work

"Kind, friendly, professional, well presented. Training was FANTASTIC!"
Kate S

Very informative. The course was such a wonderful experience & I've learnt so much. Everyone was put at ease throughout the duration of the course. Each topic was covered thoroughly & questions were allowed at any time. The teacher was very positive. She noticed when people weren't confident & was very reassuring. IMIS is a very informative, friendly & inviting, professional & encouraging training organisation.

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Gaining your IMIS infant massage qualification can provide you with the opportunity of a new, flexible working career, a way to give back to the community by helping parents in need, or a positive addition to your current qualifications.

If you are the type of person who gets a lot of joy from being around babies and you would like to help enhance family life for new parents, a baby massage qualification is the right fit for you.

The IMIS team is on hand to offer support, answer questions or chat about course content; not only when you're studying but after you complete the course and are using your new qualification.

Thinking of training in baby massage?
The popularity of baby massage is growing and this is a fantastic time to obtain your qualification as a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI) or Paediatric Massage Consultant (PMC).

Baby Massage Qualifications

Teach parents baby massage techniques and help with related advice using your new qualification. 

Learn about:
- What oil should be used for baby massage?
- What is the best time of day to massage?
- How long should massage last?
- Techniques for preterm and low birth weight infants, older children or children with special needs.

View a full list of the course units

No prerequisites apply for the Certificate in Infant Massage Instruction. 

If you have a qualification in health, allied health, natural therapies or early childhood education, the Paediatric Massage Consultant (PMC) qualification is better suited for you.


How do I complete training?

Training can be completed via a 3-day intensive class or by correspondence study.
Regardless of the method of study you select you will receive full certification with all of your theory and practical course components being covered at our 3-day face-to-face courses and the international correspondence program. Support from industry leaders is provided while you study and after you have received your qualification. 


What can I do with my baby massage qualification?

As a Certified Infant Massage Instructor you can work with parents, teaching them safe and effective massage techniques for their baby. 

You will be trained in how to work with parents in a group class setting (i.e. how to run a baby  massage class) as well as how to run private, one-on-one appointments.

Some baby massage instructors utilise their qualification in their current place of work but most work for themselves; with parents and organisations contacting them directly to book their services. Parents and organisations then pay a tuition fee directly to the instructor.

How do I get appointments for baby massage once qualified?

This can be as easy as placing information (such as brochures, posters or flyers) in your local area so that parents are aware of the services you provide. You can also promote your services online via social media etc. Parents then contact you directly to make a booking. 

If you register your qualification with the Infant Massage Information Service (via professional membership) you can also receive referral bookings. The information service receives requests for qualified Infant Massage Instructors from parents, friends and relatives (wanting to purchase gift certificates), baby product companies, local councils, health services and pharmacy chains. When these requests come through, contact details of the closest instructor(s) are provided. Professional membership is optional and costs $150 p.a.

Is there support after training?

Yes. Significant ongoing support is provided. Past students are welcome to stay in touch via phone, email and the member forum following training. They receive support and advice from experienced instructors and can ask questions related to their infant massage work. The ongoing support has no expiry. Whether you completed training 2 days ago or 20 years ago, we provide support and advice in relation to your infant massage work. Full support is also provided to students while they complete the course. 

How much do instructors usually charge for their services?

Instructors are able to set their own rates for their baby massage services. A survey conducted by the Infant Massage Information Service showed instructors charged between $30-$60 per booking for attendance at their 1-hour baby massage classes. Private, one-on-one appointments such as home-visits are usually between $120-$180.

Instructors are also able to set their own class size limits. It is recommended that new instructors cap their class sizes to approximately 6 parents, while experienced instructors might manage class sizes of up to 15 parnets.
Fee intake examples:
- A parent class with 15 participants, paying $30 each would provide a fee intake of $450 for a 1-hour baby massage class.
- A parent class with 6 participants, paying $30 each would provide a fee intake of $180 for the 1-hour class.


Am I able to enrol remotely from any country in the world?

Yes. We work with students from all over the world via our correspondence program and you are welcome to enrol and complete the course from any country, worldwide. 

After your enrolment is received and course fees have been finalised, you will see a second/separate transaction processed for your 150AUD overseas student fee. This fee applies to all students residing outside of Australia.

You will then receive a welcome email giving you full access to the course content so that you can begin working through the program. Your welcome email will give you access to your pdf training manual and video footage links so that you can become confident in all the required practical components. Your baby massage demonstration doll will be sent via post; you do not need to wait for this to arrive before you begin studying. While waiting for your demonstration doll to arrive you can complete the theory component and then move onto the practical work when you have your demonstration doll to practice with. 

You will be able to get in touch as often as needed for help with questions and clarifications. 

Most students complete all theory and practical requirements for the correspondence program within the space of a few weeks but you're welcome to study at your own pace.

Baby Massage Course Fees

Click here to view the current fee options and inclusions

CIMI (Certified Infant Massage Instructor) enrolments are available from $1125 - $1650. 
PMC (Paediatric Massage Consultant) enrolments are available from $1485 - $2010.
Personalised payment plans are available at no extra charge 

If you're keen to receive your training materials straight away, you can pay in full at the time of enrolment. Altternatively, you can make a part payment of just $200 and then finalise the balance via invoice (due in 7 days) or via instalments on an interest free payment plan

How to apply

There are three ways to submit an application for the baby massage course:
1) Online via (click here)
2) Submit an application form (this can be downloaded after requesting a brochure from Infant Massage Information Service)
3) By phone, call 1300 558 608

Questions? We're happy to help :-)

- Submit your questions online
- Email us via
- Call 1300 558 608

One of the best trainings I have done. The days passed effortlessly, the education was engaging and to the point; I thoroughly enjoyed myself and found the training easy to follow and very supportive. Thank you for an amazing course that has inspired me and will definitely enhance my scope of practice.

Related information

How much does an infant massage therapist make?

What does an infant massage therapist do?

How do I become an infant massage therapist?

Correspondence intake periods

Request a course brochure

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